By: Harvey Stewart
Took a long time to figure this one out….Each New Day:
Any day that we wake up is a success!
Everything after that is an adventure with the Lord!!
Any day that we wake up is a success!
- We are taught that it’s up to us to make each day a success. What if success is what we all start with every new day? Some of us will jump to the idea, “Ok I can go with the thought that each new day is a success, but it’s then our responsibility to keep it that way.”
- What if that’s not true? Consider how difficult or impossible it is for us to manage all of our daily circumstances to insure success! Doesn’t that cause our perspective on the day to be dictated by the circumstances we cannot control?
- So what is success? This might be different for each of us. My dad used to say, “success is having a goal and taking a new step to achieve it”. Someone else might say success is doing the best you can within the circumstances. All of us might have a different perspective on this generally defined word.
- If success is not a “what”, but instead it’s a “who” then the whole meaning changes. We are a success because we exist, and each new day we wake up is a success. No questions, no conditions; a success no matter what the circumstances might be.
Everything after that is an adventure with the Lord!!
- If we have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, His Son, then everything else can be an adventure. If that relationship doesn’t exist for some of us then the dynamics of our day change completely.
- If we know Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, then each moment holds the opportunity of an adventure. By letting go of our self-selected authority over daily experiences we can discover the opportunity to be really free. By letting Jesus lead us through the nuances of our daily circumstances each moment can be a God-centered adventure.
- Isn’t part of the characteristics of an adventure not really knowing what will happen? There’s risk involved because our control is limited within unknown circumstances. This adds a measure of excitement for us.
- Going on an adventure with Jesus can make for a truly exciting day. We don’t know what may come next, but we know we can trust the Lord Jesus Christ completely. He will never fail to lead us toward the best eternal outcome within any circumstances. This doesn’t mean He controls all of our circumstances, but God’s best is the adventure we share with Jesus.
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